Vivian Scott Chew recently hosted an intimate group of influential individuals within her network in an effort to showcase all the wonderful work Covenant House International is doing.
“I am so honored to be a Covenant House International Board Member and to work with such an incredible team of likeminded individuals whose mission is to protect and safeguard all children”
[Vivian is hosting a personal fundraiser on their behalf]
27% of all youth who come to Covenant House are LGBTQ+.
88% of youth are POC, and 56% are Black.
The average age of youth at Covenant House in the U.S. and Canada is 19-21.
The average age of youth at Covenant House in Latin America is 14.
32% have foster care history.
28% are survivors of domestic violence.
Nearly 20% of Covenant House youth in the U.S. and Canada are survivors of human trafficking.
In 2022, Covenant House:
Reached 43,000 young people across 6 countries.
Provided 730,000 nights of housing.
On average, 2,000 youth slept in a Covenant House bed each night.
Served 1,600,000 meals.
Served 7,700 youth in residential programs.
Served 3,700 youth through street outreach.
Provided 29,000 on-site medical visits.
Helped 2,400 youth move to stable housing.
- Served 6,500 youth in drop-in and non-residential programs.