Lawrence Eric Murphy (1947-1994), an African-American educator, dedicated his career to advancing equal opportunity and cross-cultural understanding. Born and raised in Queens, New York, he developed a passion for promoting diversity in the face of the borough’s demographic. Lawrence earned a B.A. in French from Oberlin College and an M.A. in Counseling / Psychology from Columbia University before serving as an admissions director at various institutions, where he helped countless young people access higher education.  

Lawrence was particularly committed to promoting cross-cultural understanding as the director of The Panel of Americans, a nonprofit organization focused on dialogue between people of all races and ethnicities. He expanded the organization’s efforts to include combating discrimination against LGBTQ individuals in New York City high schools. Today, Lawrence’s legacy lives on through a scholarship program created by his sister, Vivian Scott Chew, which supports college students vulnerable to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.


The LEM Scholarship Fund targets students looking to affect change through the promotion of diversity, inclusion, and equity. We want to uplift and support marginalized groups as they forge their path through higher education.
Fill in this form to help our selection committee determine which segment of the fund best suits your needs and inform you on what steps need to be taken to ensure you're in the running.